Dear fishermen, friends and guests of our Formax Riverside Ebro camp, with great concern we follow the bad news about the development of the situation with the Corona virus! Take care of yourself, your loved ones and everyone in your environment, and take all measures to prevent and protect your health. All your current reservations at our camp will be realized at a later date that suits you in accordance with our capacities and in agreement with our team. Let us all hope that all this will pass quickly and that we will see you again soon in our camp enjoying fishing and having even more fun!
Your Formax Riverside Ebro team!
Dragi naši ribolovci, prijatelji i gosti našeg Formax Riverside Ebro kampa, sa velikom zabrinutošću pratimo loše vesti oko razvoja situacije sa Corona virusom! Povedite maksimalno računa o sebi, svojim najdražima i svima u vašem okruženje i poštujte sve mere oko preventive i zaštite zdravlja. Sve vaše aktuelne rezervacije u našem kampu će biti realizovane u kasnijim terminima koji vama odgovaraju a u skladu sa našim kapacitetima i u dogovoru sa našim timom. Nadajmo se svi zajedno da će sve ovo brzo proći i da ćemo vas uskoro ponovo videti u našem kampu u lepom pecanju i jos lepšem druženju!
Vaš Formax Riverside Ebro tim!
Welcome to
Formax Riverside Ebro camp
We are dealing with all of the activates related to comfortable and pleasant stay of our fishermen guests. Some of these activities include:
- Welcoming guests at the airport and organizing their transport from the airport to the Riba Roja
- Organization of guests’ accommodation
- Providing all the necessary fishing licenses
- Food provision
- Excursions and tours during the guests’ stay
- Organization of all kind of fishing with the service of professional fishing guide and complete support in all kinds of fishing
- Fishing equipment renting
- Fishing boats renting
- Organizing courses of fishing for beginners
- Making video materials and all the related activities in the field of fishing.